Friday, July 15, 2011

10 Online Portfolio that Speak to Me

This site I enjoy because of the way that the works are divided into separate groups, some of it seems to make me believe that it might have been able to of been worked a little better, but overall I enjoy it for the relative ease of it's use as well as the different clients that the portfolio has worked with.

This site speaks to me with it's overall simplistic feel to the site, even though simplistic isn't exactly simple. I enjoy the way that the works displayed adjusts themselves accordingly. Many of the designs are rather nice and make me feel like I could probably work with someone else who enjoyed making such works.

This site is done in a rather attractive manner to me, I am not sure how exactly I feel about the change to the background. I mean I like it as well because of the way that it actually works, but doesn't exactly explain the reason for it and such. Of course I do really enjoy the way the works are displayed, the slight transparent color laid over the works in the gallery.

This site makes me feel absolutely enthralled with it, even before I looked at any of the works the very setup of the little free flowing tap like objects that and be spun and flung around the area. I spent about 5-10 minutes just playing with them before I started actually looking at the site. I really like the way that the works are displayed and many of them are very nicely done.

This site, similar to the last, excites me right away with the way that all of the little tabs go flying onto the "ground" and then each of them are an individual work that any would be able. This site probably speaks to me the most just in the creative nature at which it was done.

The main reason why this site speaks to me if for the works on their own, however the design of the sites isn't the worst I have ever seen. Though it does seem a bit cluttered and could have been broke up a little more to help display the page as a whole in a better way. The way that the works were displayed though was pretty nice though, enjoying the fact that the role played is pointed out.

The site is very simplistic and presented in a very clean fashion that makes me feel it is easy to navigate, but it could have been displayed in a little bit clearer way. I really like the way the personal information is displayed but it might have been able to have been elaborated a bit more than is presented.

This site is very nice looking and the fact that the loading page shows that it is talking about stitching completed instead of loading. The projects are displayed beautifully, granted I would really like to see what it would look like centered instead of aligned left. The site is easy to navigate and keeps the information provided to be clear and concise.

This site makes me feel a few different ways, I really like the site due to the projects worked on and the quality of the work itself. The only problem is that I feel like the information might have be displayed better to clients if the information was grouped in an organized fashion.

This site shows me a very professional and creative side to the owner, as well as a very in-depth look a the work that the owner has done. The client lists is very impressive alone and believe that the steps listed at the side to get connected with the owner of the site provides a great way of keep in touch with the artist.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reasons I Enjoy My College

 Keiser University is a school that I wasn't sure about at first, just based on the quickness of the classes. Every class consists of four weeks of classes with varying number of days a week and hours a day. This has turned into something that I both enjoy and loath at the same time, for a multitude of reasons of course. I enjoy the fact that everywhere in the school, no matter what office one could step inside and ask a quick question of someone who works at the school, and most students, to answer a question with an open door policy. The student services department of the school is always willing to be there for anyone, not saying that teachers aren't, and are in ones corner when starting to try and enter the job market with assistance with resume construction and job opportunities that come towards the school.

Most Interesting YouTube Videos I've Seen

 Well this is an interesting post because I don't tend to just wander around YouTube to find strange and funny things. But I have seen several from friends, one such video being "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" this video seems to be a flash movie that expresses a massive battle royal that takes place between a large multitude of characters. I also saw another video called "Extreme Sheep Herding" which is about just that, but the extreme part comes from the fact they herd the sheep in particular manners and end up making a variety of "things" to happen. I don't remember a particular video off the top of my head, but I have used YouTube a large number of times trying to figure out how to do something but keep failing. I have to say that there are a number of the videos that I created, or helped create, are rather interesting to watch. Now this doesn't mean that I don't like all of my creations, but there are a few that are just so much more than the others.

Favorite Resources for Inspiration

 Well the first thing that should be noted about this is the fact that inspiration is one of those things that just creeps up on us, no one is ever really sure when it is going to happen or why but it just does. When I look for inspiration and I am not looking for something particular I tend to look to nature and enjoy some of the little pleasures present in our everyday life. Granted this is something that I like to try and do weather I am looking for inspiration or not. When I am looking for something that requires a little more focus then the internet is one of the first places I turn to. I enjoy because of the fact that it is artwork produced by fellow artists. Granted that isn't generally my first location that I check, that honor generally goes to Google image search. Anyone who has used it knows that the image listings are generally top notch. However when all else fails I take a deep breath and step away from the project for an undetermined amount of time and get my mind off of the project and wait for something to strike up again. Now the only problem with this method is that one must be careful due to the fact that most projects tend to have a deadline and this process can take time depending upon the person.

Favorite Activities Aside from Games

 My favorite things to participate in have actually been very slim the past several years, but the thing is that I mostly enjoy doing stuff with my friends or spending my time on the internet. Of course the internet activities span from entertainment to educational, but mostly entertainment. When I am with my friends I tend to generally watch movies or T.V., listen to music, talk trash to each other in a humorous way, or just talking about things happening in our lives. There are times when I just feel really creative and spend sometime laying on my bed or sitting somewhere and just drawing, however I prefer to draw manga style artwork, or I hope on a computer and try to work on a project that I start out on my own.

Best Books I Have Ever Read

 My favorite books that I have read... well there is just a slight problem with that, and that would be that I don't read a whole lot of books. However based on the books that I have read I would have to go with the Harry Potter series as a whole. I read each of the books, although I started with the sixth book at the time since I had seen the fist five movies. After I finished reading the book I truly realized the mistake that I had made. The books were very in depth in regards to the storyline. Granted the movies do a pretty good job but there are some that the movie doesn't do justice for. This aside I do plan to try and read the Ann Rice Vampire Series within the year as well, I figure I need to read Interview with a Vampire since I have seen it.

Places I Plan to Visit in My Lifetime

 I say places even though there is really one that I wish to visit most of all, and could go without others if I visit this one place. Japan is the one place that I wish to visit more than anywhere else. The reason being that I have always had a strong pull towards the Japanese culture since I was young, not to mention I am a fan of manga and anime. However that is far from the whole reason of why I want to go there, but it is a major factor. I have seen images of the scenery and buildings that are in Japan and they make me just love the country even more with each view. Another place that is on my list of places to visit would be Germany, I am not completely sure as to the main reasoning of why I wish to go there, but common... it's Germany, granted I would like to go and visit the remains of the Berlin Wall that is a monument to nations keeping internal peace...

Things I Will Do This Year to Make Myself More Marketable

 This year I intend to make progress on marketing myself and have a number of ways that I plan to try and use to accomplish this goal. First and foremost I plan to create  a new Facebook profile that will be strictly for my designing. That is just the beginning though since I will also be making a Linkedin page as well. These social media options are also just the beginning though. I plan to also get a business card of sorts to be able to hand out to potential clients when I meet them. I will also be trying to keep my blog updated more regularly and with potent information on it relating to my field as best I can.

Creating a Great Logo Design

 When creating a logo there are a number of things that must be taken into consideration before the process can really truly begin. The most important step is always meeting with, not necessarily in person, the client or plan out some of the concept for the logo. The major concern should always be on the message that is to be conveyed through the logo. With that in hand the process of actually constructing the logo itself can actually begin. The next thing to do, which all of the steps ultimately link back to the meeting with the person who wants the logo, would be to figure out the layout of the logo and the the color palliate and locations. Should any font be used in the logo, which from what I have seen is 9 out of 10 times true, then it needs to be legible with a proper contrast. Now after the logo is all designed there is still another concept that is left, the actual positioning of the logo and the overall flow of the design, which isn't always left to the designer of the logo.

Places to Meet New Clients/Generate New Professional Contacts

 There are a very large and varied means of finding clients and contacts, some of which I am sure that some have never thought about as a place to meet people in this particular manner. Of course one of the easiest ways to meet people is via the internet forums and chats. Granted this is such an impersonal way of meeting someone, but that doesn't make it wrong.
 When out and about one really most keep their eyes and ears open, because potential to meet new and interesting people is always around. I don't have a preferred place to meet people, but it can happen anywhere in our daily lives. But imagine standing in line for burgers at some random place, here one hears that someone is interested in building a site, or promoting something with a poster. This could even extend out to other aspects, such as, meeting people from different trades and fields that could make your networking abilities increase exponentially.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

7 Free Ways to Promote Oneself or Business

  1. Facebook has a variety of self promotion outlets. Communities, groups, and pages all lend there hand to self promotion aspects that can be used for free.
  2. Linkedin is a site similar to facebook but focuses more on the actual business aspect of a social networking site. With LinkedIn, combined with other outlets will allow for optimal use of free self promotion.
  3. deviantART and other personal portfolio type sites is a way to skyrocket the presentation of works done. Plus there are contests provided all the time that have great prizes for winners.
  4. Blogging is a great way to provide regular informational updates on how one is doing, this could easily be translated over into a business aspect to provide clients, and potential clients, with updated information about the business.
  5. Twitter is an alright means of giving off information about a business. The only problem is that the messages are supposed to be confined to short, text message length, posts.
  6. Accepting internships are an amazing way to create a name for oneself, at the same time as building more items for ones portfolio.
  7. This option may not be free, but it would surly be cheep. Create an ad with materials available and promote oneself by placing them in locations where someone who might be looking for one with certain skills might look.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Ways to use Web 2.0 technologies to boost ones career.

  1. Blogging is a good way to let potential customers and followers to know how ones career is doing.
  2. Twitter is another way to do something similar to using a blog, only it would be shorter messages to followers.
  3. Social Networking is an easy way to show ones work, and keep customers and followers updated and aware of what one is capable of.
  4. Podcasting would be a great way of displaying oneself to others in a professional manner.
  5. Meshups are quite capable of displaying a variety of data at the same time.
  6. Similarly to podcasting, Youtube could be used in a similar manner to help display more information, more information even if it is a repeat shown on other sites.
  7. Cloud computing is another manner of helping display ones information, it's just generally considered the internet even though it is more narrow then that.
  8. Wikipedia would be a great way to help show off the knowledge one knows and probably give off links to sites and such that one makes.

10 Technologies that are changing the way we work and play

  1. Google's Adword is one of the ways that work, allowing the making of money just to allow Google to advertise on ones site.
  2. Cloud computing helps to provide ease of access to various aspects of the internet, but isn't the internet as a whole, such as facebook.
  3. Web Analytics have be growing in large strides and provides users with more control and ability to monitor the traffic that comes to there page(s).
  4. Managed File Transfer (MFT) has stepped up to take the place of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) providing a more secure way to transfer sensitive information over the internet.
  5. The emergence of 3g and higher technology has made it so a phone is no longer just a phone but, in some cases, virtually putting the internet at ones fingertips.
  6. Netbooks are bridging the gap between cellphones and laptops, providing a computer at a convent size and price
  7. Thermal Jet printers, although expensive, can produce 3D wax models of car parts and bodies of cars. Of course this could probably be set for more than just models of cars

10 Reasons to hire a professional designer

  1. This is a great way to save time to be able to devote it on other aspects of ones business.
  2. A professional designer is capable of making the image that one is looking for.
  3. A professional is able to make a business stand out from the rest of the other businesses that are the exact same.
  4. A professional is more likely to know and understand the programs that are required.
  5. If a design is needing to be fixed it is cheaper to hire a professional than getting a printer to fix it.
  6. With a professional they will know what types of images to use to help promote the look that one is looking for.
  7. They will be able to help make ones site and designs able to be set to a more customizable state.
  8. Should one be dealing with web a professional will be able to make the site optimized to be found easily.
  9. On top of working with the SEO they will be able to make sure that the site is compatible with web browsers.
10. A professional is able to make the difference between a professional site and a personal site.

10 Ways to use the web to promote your business.

  1. Create a profile for ones business using facebook or other networks like this.
  2. One could create ads for there business, via social networking or other means.
  3. Create a blog that one would make daily posts to about ones business.
  4. Register ones website with search engines.
  5. Make sure ones business site is optimized for the search engines.
  6. Buying and selling ad banners for ones business.
  7. Make a newsgroup and a mail listing so users can follow along and get updates about ones business.
  8. If it is within ones ability purchase search engine keywords, this can really help increase traffic to ones site.
  9. The use of people's guide can help bring in local traffic, just like Google local.
10. Use eBay to offer serves as well from ones business.

10 Things to make your site index better.

  1. Make sure that the title tags are unique and relate to the content, if not actually in the content.
  2. Make the description tags a summary of the page and try to include information from the page itself.
  3. Use bold and italic to help emphasize important information that should be remembered.
  4. Research the keywords so that one knows which ones are used heavily by searches.
  5. Talk to webmasters with similar content and request links from there site to the one in question, and link to the other webmasters.
  6. With social media sites one can make likes to their sites via the social media.
  7. When using images make sure that they have the required standards; height, width, alt, and source.
  8. The proper usage of headings help make a site index better.
  9. Try to fill the content of ones page with words that users actually search for and not archaic or intricate terms.
10. Having ones site archived correctly, and not having 20 folders deep, so the spiders can easily search through ones site.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

10 Ways to make money on the web today.

1. The most obvious, using eBay to auction personal possessions.
2. Using various sites/chats to find people who are looking for commissioned work.
3. Setting up a portfolio site account and starting to get ones name out on the web.
4. Placing posts for jobs that one is qualified for one sites such as Cregslist.
5. Using sites like elance or mycroburst to browse job listings in the design/art field.
6. Explore sites for businesses, looking for bad designs, and offer to correct them.
7. Designing a quality web site/page and putting advertising links on it.
8. Purchasing items through online auctions and then turning around and selling them for a higher price to people who are known to like/collect such items.
9. Using online stock exchange to buy and sell stocks.

10 Skills I Will Develop In The Near Future

1. My PhotoShop skills.
2. My Illustrator skills.
3. I will continue to work on my web design skills.
4. I intend to improve my photography skills as well.
5. I wish to learn how to code, but that might be more than the near future.
6. Developing my layout skills is another that should be soon.
7. I suppose my portfolio building skills will develop further in the coming months as well.
8. I hope to try and do more drawing projects to keep/improve my freehand skills.
9. I also intend to try and refresh my skills with flash in the coming month.
10. Since I am not sure of other skills I wish to develop I am going to leave this one open for the first needed skill I come across.

10 Great Design Portfolio Sites.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

How can a business best use a Web Site, Facebook, a blog, Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter to create an effective online marketing campaign?

   The way that I would use these social networks to my advantage in a business setting would be to use every one of them, and not just one. It would be best to be able to make daily posts about the events of the business, but if that isn’t possible at least make something once a week. Also one would have to be sure to not get these mixed up with a personal use social media page because that could cause horrible things to happen if not kept under check, and always watch what you post on the web, it can be found and used to hurt ones business if their not careful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ten Aspects of a Bad Website

1) The size of any images and videos should be optimized so they don't take forever to load.

2) Ones site shouldn't cause people to seizure.

3) The images that are associated with the site no matter if they are decorative or content related it should be placed in a way that they don't offend the eye or encumber the content.

4) Make sure that ones site is designed for the needs of your audience and not just what one wants it to be.

5) Make sure that ones site is designed to help solve audience needs, no matter if it is a problem, knowledge seeking, or even to be entertained. Not to make the audience have more difficulty with there intended reason for being on ones site.

6) Making sure that the contrast of the text vs everything in the background makes the content readable to the majority.

7) Make sure that any information that is provided is not contradictory to the cause of the site. Such as a link to gain registration to use a site, but not be able to actually register.

8)The idea that a website is the only marketing tool that is needed is a childish idea and shouldn't be thought of like that.

9) If one can't figure out where they're going on a site, they probably won't stick around. So avoid confusing navigation.

10) Don't use images or flash as a substitute for text. Text is what it is and should remain that way. Text is the prime key to keeping a web page size low.