Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Things to make your site index better.

  1. Make sure that the title tags are unique and relate to the content, if not actually in the content.
  2. Make the description tags a summary of the page and try to include information from the page itself.
  3. Use bold and italic to help emphasize important information that should be remembered.
  4. Research the keywords so that one knows which ones are used heavily by searches.
  5. Talk to webmasters with similar content and request links from there site to the one in question, and link to the other webmasters.
  6. With social media sites one can make likes to their sites via the social media.
  7. When using images make sure that they have the required standards; height, width, alt, and source.
  8. The proper usage of headings help make a site index better.
  9. Try to fill the content of ones page with words that users actually search for and not archaic or intricate terms.
10. Having ones site archived correctly, and not having 20 folders deep, so the spiders can easily search through ones site.

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