Friday, July 15, 2011

10 Online Portfolio that Speak to Me

This site I enjoy because of the way that the works are divided into separate groups, some of it seems to make me believe that it might have been able to of been worked a little better, but overall I enjoy it for the relative ease of it's use as well as the different clients that the portfolio has worked with.

This site speaks to me with it's overall simplistic feel to the site, even though simplistic isn't exactly simple. I enjoy the way that the works displayed adjusts themselves accordingly. Many of the designs are rather nice and make me feel like I could probably work with someone else who enjoyed making such works.

This site is done in a rather attractive manner to me, I am not sure how exactly I feel about the change to the background. I mean I like it as well because of the way that it actually works, but doesn't exactly explain the reason for it and such. Of course I do really enjoy the way the works are displayed, the slight transparent color laid over the works in the gallery.

This site makes me feel absolutely enthralled with it, even before I looked at any of the works the very setup of the little free flowing tap like objects that and be spun and flung around the area. I spent about 5-10 minutes just playing with them before I started actually looking at the site. I really like the way that the works are displayed and many of them are very nicely done.

This site, similar to the last, excites me right away with the way that all of the little tabs go flying onto the "ground" and then each of them are an individual work that any would be able. This site probably speaks to me the most just in the creative nature at which it was done.

The main reason why this site speaks to me if for the works on their own, however the design of the sites isn't the worst I have ever seen. Though it does seem a bit cluttered and could have been broke up a little more to help display the page as a whole in a better way. The way that the works were displayed though was pretty nice though, enjoying the fact that the role played is pointed out.

The site is very simplistic and presented in a very clean fashion that makes me feel it is easy to navigate, but it could have been displayed in a little bit clearer way. I really like the way the personal information is displayed but it might have been able to have been elaborated a bit more than is presented.

This site is very nice looking and the fact that the loading page shows that it is talking about stitching completed instead of loading. The projects are displayed beautifully, granted I would really like to see what it would look like centered instead of aligned left. The site is easy to navigate and keeps the information provided to be clear and concise.

This site makes me feel a few different ways, I really like the site due to the projects worked on and the quality of the work itself. The only problem is that I feel like the information might have be displayed better to clients if the information was grouped in an organized fashion.

This site shows me a very professional and creative side to the owner, as well as a very in-depth look a the work that the owner has done. The client lists is very impressive alone and believe that the steps listed at the side to get connected with the owner of the site provides a great way of keep in touch with the artist.